Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sex Extending Married Couples Lives...

Sex three times a week or more with your spouse can extend your life by 8 years or more.  The sex has to be meaningful to produce the desired benefits not casual one night stands. It has to be with someone you actually love and you are building a life with thus the concept "married couples".


1. Sex Increases Energy - Studies show that married couples that have sex three times a week or more experience the energy of someone eight years younger.

2. Sex Burns Calories - Thirty minutes of sex can burn 85 calories or more. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but multiply that number by three and you've burned 255 calories and you're not on a treadmill or in a cardio class.

3. Sex Boosts Immunity - Having sex three or more times a week has been shown to increase antibodies that protect the body from colds and other infections. Men who have sex twice a week decrease their chance of having a heart attack by a whopping 50 percent.

4. Sex Relieves Stress - Researcher from Scotland found that one of the biggest benefits of frequent sex is lower blood pressure and stress reduction. They subjected the participants to stressful situations and those that had frequent sex responded better and had lower blood pressure numbers.

5. Sex Reduces Pain - When we have orgasms, our brains produce what scientists call the "love hormone" or oxytocin. As oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines.  Sex not only feels good, but it's really good for you.

So put the kids to bed early, turn off the TV, shut down the computer, turn off the cell phones, and start adding more sex and more years to your life!


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