Saturday, January 21, 2012

Manage a Trois Gone Wrong

Free Burnning Love Wallpaper

I was listening to a morning radio talk show and the topic was the Newt Gingrich Syndrome of do we cheat or have an open marriage?

A male caller stated he cheated on his wife with another woman and then successfully convinced the wife to participate in a menage a trois with him & his woman. After an 8 month steamy 3 way love affair his wife and woman announced to him that they're in love with each other and are leaving him to be in a monogamous relationship with each other. Wow...I'm sure he didn't see that one coming.


  1. Becareful of what you wish.

  2. Visualizing 8 months of me, my wife, and my woman together in harmony caused me to have to go shower twice!

  3. Anonymous Jan 26 I think you missed the point. He ended up by himself! I guess all things come to an end and I admit I like your enthusiasm for the 8 months...smhl.
